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Speaking is one of the basic language skills that have to be mastered by English foreign learners due to its significant and its use for communication. It is very important to be able to speak English regarding that it is the most commonly accepted language in the world so that it will be very beneficial for those who comprehend it not only to improve their knowledge and skills but also easier for them to get a job. However, the researcher has found that there are many similarities and difficulties faced by the students in speaking English such as fear of making mistakes, fear of being laughed by their friend as they have no idea about pronunciation and grammar that they use. The objective of this research was to prove whether or not students speaking skills be improved by using presentation for students of Bekasi palm oil polytechnic cultivation program. The result of this study shows that At the beginning of the presentation assignment, students' speaking ability is still very limited. But when the presentation assignments went on for quite a long time, students were getting used to the presentation of English and they were also more used to doing public speaking. Based on the results and discussion, it can conclude that presentation can improve student’s speaking skill for Cultivation Program Student of Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Bekasi.


Speaking Skills, Presentation

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