JEELL (Journal of English Education, Language and Literature) English Departement of STKIP PGRI Jombang published twice a year (August & September), intended to accommodate the scientific results on English Education, Language and Literature studies. It focuses on various issues spanning in study of English education, language, and literature. The coverage of language includes linguistics and language teaching, and the coverage of literature covers the analysis of novel, film, poem and drama using the relevant theories and concepts.
JEELL with the number P-ISSN 23565446 E-ISSN 25983059 has been indexed in Crossref, Google Scholar, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), the World Catalogue (WorldCat), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib), Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), and Science and Technology Index (Shinta 5). JEELL has also been affiliated with the largest linguistic organization in Indonesia ALTI.

JEELL is focused on publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the current issues related to English education, linguistics, and literature. The main objective of JEELL is to provide a platform for the national and international scholars, academicians, and researchers to share the contemporary thoughts in the fields of English language, English language teaching, linguistics, and literature.It also aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in English language, English language teaching, linguistics, and literature thus become the leading international journal.
The journal publishes research papers in the all the fields of English language, English language teaching, and linguistics, and literature, such as, Phonetics and Phonology, Morphology, Lexicology, Syntax and Language Typology, Semantic, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Grammar Analysis, Historical Linguistics, Dialectology and Language Evolution, Applied Linguistics, Biolinguistics, Clinical Linguistics, Neurolinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Forensic Linguistics, Language Teaching, Language Development, Translation, and other related studies of language.
Vol 10, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Nadya Hidayah, Muhamad Sofian Hadi, Nurul Islah
Happy Kusuma Wardani, M. Aji Tamam Fanani, Bariqotul Hidayah
Fourtha Gomalla, Endang Susilawati, Sumarni Sumarni
Erna Kartika Erna Kartika Sari, Nur Afifi, Nurul Aini
Vivin Diah Oktasari, Fatih Al Fauzi
Ulfa Wulan Agustina, Nurul Afidah, Hidayatur Rohmah
Dewi Indah Kusuma, Iftia Rahmania, Citra Imannisa, Daning Hentasmaka
Widia Resdiana, Dewi Selviani Yulientinah
Elsya Ayu Fadhillah, Tatik Irawati
Ismaatul Yuniasti, Yunita Puspitasari, Dewi Indah Kusuma
Dian Ayu Permata Sari, Happy Kusuma Wardani, Alimin Alimin
Suharyono Suharyono, Aang Fatihul Islam