Herman Jufri Andi, Chairatul Umamah, El Indahnia Kamariyah


Pamekasan Regency is one of regencies on Madura Island that has complex educational problems and low level of understanding in science. According to BPS (2019) Pamekasan Regency is a regency whose education level is in top ten lowest category in East Java. Seeing the real problems that occur in the field, further studies are needed on various aspects of education, namely the level of competitiveness of students in elementary schools. Referring to the understanding of the concept of science, one of the learning media is needed by using the approach of thinking skill and scientifically. One of alternative method used is science skill approach (KPS). Science skill approach method is correlated with experiments in the form of laboratory utilization which can be learned from the surrounding environment. In conducting experiments, students are able to reason and think scientifically through what they observe. Concept of the laboratory is designed with laboratory equipment that comes from friendly environment. Students are given experiments in using a series of tools that have been designed for several science concepts on certain subjects by utilizing objects around them so that they can be used as a medium to support students' understanding in learning science. The concept of science tends to be closer in learning from natural phenomena. Therefore the establishment of friendly environment laboratories is a real step as well as to support the mission of the Ministry of Education and Culture through the optimization of laboratories for students of SDN Bunder I Pademawu Pamekasan in knowing science.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32682/jp-mas.v1i1.1400


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