Gross Motor Levels in Early Childhood Post-Online Learning in the Highlands Region: Cross Sectional Study

Eldiene Zaura I'tamada, Mahsuri Eko Winarno, Imam Hariadi


Gross motor development in children aged 4-5 years is an important aspect to support children's growth and development, in the learning phase after the pandemic, and curriculum changes require an evaluation process of gross motor skills using a gross motor ability survey method in children after 4-5 years in Stone City. The subjects in this study totaled 164 students who were taken from 9 kindergartens in Batu City. The sampling protocol in this study used the cluster random sampling method. The instruments used in this study used the components in the active motor card, which included: 1) gallop, 2) hop, 3) slide, 4) s-tug, 5) catch, 6) kick, 7) overhand throw, and 8) underhand roll. The average result of gross motor skills in boys is 51.98 in the "good" category and in girls, it has an average of 52.92 in the "good" category. The gross motor ability test results for children aged 4-5 years in Batu City adjusted to the age and characteristics of children. The gross motor skills of children aged 4-5 years are better in locomotor motion instruments so in this case the motion of using tools or objects can be implemented more by educators to stimulate children's gross motor skills.


Gross Motor; Preschooler Highland

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