Impact Of Social Support On Increasing Motivation Of Student Athlete Performance

Chikola Haneta, Mustika Fitri, Septian Williyanto


The study aims to find out the impact of social support on the motivation of an athlete student to perform in academic or sporting fields. The author hopes to implement social support for athlete students, especially those close to them, to increase their motivation. The subjects of this study were 35 students athletes on students of sports science using purposive sampling techniques. The research method uses quantitative research, which is a method of correlation analysis with the type of prediction study to provide information about the influence of social support on the motivation of students athletes. The results of this study suggest that there is a positive relationship between social support and academic pretrial motivation and student athlete sports. Target linear and single correlation tests using spss 25 application, showing a significance of <0,05. Obtained the end result that social support can affect the increased motivation of academic and sporting achievement in student athletes.


Social Support; Motivation; Academic Achievement; Sports Performance; Student Athletes

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