Afi Ni'amah


Outdoor activitytechnique in  descriptive speaking is  able to increase students’abilityinEnglishcomprehension. Itcanalsomotivatethestudentstolearn and sohave good comprehension in learning. It  motivatesthem to observe real objectsthattheycandescribethemeasierorally.Sincemotivation  canenhancethe students’ eagerness in mastering speaking ability, it  is important to make them practice spoken expression. Theoutdoor activitytechnique canprovide joyful  and comfortable  classforthestudentsindescribingobjects.Themethodofthestudyis descriptive  qualitative. Theinstruments usedwereobservation checklist,  interview, fieldnotesanddocumentation. Theresult ofthestudyshows  thatoutdoor activity overcamethe students’fear,anxiety,andalsoimprovedtheirmotivationand communication skill.Inaddition,itaddedtheirknowledge,  vocabularies, andcreate

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Published by English Department of STKIP PGRI Jombang

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